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Waste Water Treatment

We provide services in designing, manufacturing, constructing, commissioning, and operating all kinds of technological approaches that ensure the treatment of wastewater from both domestic and industrial sources up to the required discharge criteria.
Detailed projects are drafted and put into practice by selecting appropriate treatment processes, taking into account the receiving environment and/or recovery requirements based on the detailed examinations and analyzes carried out at the point of origin of the wastewater. We design and realize our facilities by prioritizing energy efficiency, ease of operation, and quality requirements, considering operating costs as the most important criterion in addition to the initial investment cost
  • Screening (Coarse and Fine Mechanical Screens) and Sieving Systems
  • Sand and Grit Traps and Separators.
  • Oil, Grease and Fat (FOG) Traps and Separators.
  • Coagulation, Flocculation and Sedimentation Systems.
  • Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF).
  • Conventional Biological Treatment Processes (CAS, SBR, etc)
  • Advanced Biological Treatment Processes (N ve P removal beside Carbon)
  • MBR and MBBR Biological Treatment Processes
  • Package and Containerised Domestic and Industrial Wastewater treatment Systems.
  • Anaerobic Treatment Processes
  • Biogas Plants.
  • Sludge Dewatering and Drying Systems
  • Advanced Oxidation Systems.
  • Polishing Filtration ( MF, UF, RO) and Disinfection Systems.
  • Odour Removal and Flue Gas treatment Systems.