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Get In Touch With Us Wecycle Arıtım


Water, which is the indispensable source of life as well as the main raw material of many production processes, has been competing with energy input in terms of both accessibility and economic value in today’s conditions. From this perspective, we are unfortunately witnessing that units involved in water and wastewater supply, treatment, and similar activities do not get the attention they deserve among enterprises. In this regard, as Wecycle, we provide consultancy services that will enable both existing and new water and wastewater plants to operate more efficiently and fit for purpose. We provide consultancy services under the following main headings
  • Water and Wastewater Treatability and Pilot Studies
  • Water and Energy Recovery Studies (In Manufacturing and Treatment Plant)
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Design and Engineering with all phases
  • Project Management in Water and Wastewater Related Projects
  • Treatment plant Installation, Commissioning, Start-up and Operation Supervision Services
  • Treatment Plant Optimisation and Performance Enhancement Studies